What is Music Therapy?
Music Therapy is an evidence-based profession that seeks to discover and implement current research, literature and best practices in the promotion of well-being for a client. Music is also used creatively and spontaneously in response to a client’s personal expressiveness and use of music within a session. A Certified Music Therapist will use a wide variety of interventions and techniques in order to reach the therapeutic goals for an individual client or a group to maintain and improve the health and well-being of an individual. Music Therapy includes a therapeutic relationship and interactions with a Music Therapist and not just the music.
What Music Therapy is Not
Music Therapy is not primarily entertainment or the recreational enjoyment of music. It is not education in that the goal isn’t to learn musical skills, theory or the ability to play a certain instrument. Music Therapy isn’t just music for relaxation or stimulation, and although it can include both, it reaches farther than these two goals.